We are empowered by the Spirit.
A fundamental reality of life as a Christian is that without the work of the Holy Spirit, without His presence and His power, we have nothing. It’s all just vain attempts at spirituality. All the disciplines are just dead practices of the will. All of our services are just empty meetings. We are told by St. Paul in Galatians 5:25 to live in the Spirit and be led by the Spirit (ESV) and Jesus said the Spirit's power would come upon his Church so that we could be witnesses. We want the power and presence of the Spirit to be present in our church and in us, so we seek Him in prayer. We choose to move slow enough in our pace to listen, yet move quickly in our response. We believe that this is the posture of humility and dependence that the Church needs, and we don't want to be shy about that. We will choose discernment and the Spirit’s leading even if it feels slow. Patience is a good posture.
We know that when the Spirit is present and moving through the church, doing His work of uniting us to Jesus and filling us with grace, then salvation happens, lives change, confession and conviction come, holiness is pursued, the gifts are used, spiritual fruits blossom, deliverance is experienced, and wholeness and healing occur, for St. Paul tells us that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17).
So we walk dependent, giving our best but knowing who really does the work.
Other Distinctives: Rooted in History, Formed in the Disciplines, Compelled by Love, Charismatic in Expression