4 Key principles for parents (pandemic or not)
Parenting is a high and proper calling. God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply—to have children—and reproduce image bearers of God for the next generation of Kingdom work. In culture, parenting can get a bad reputation, but as the church, we should boldly champion the amazing purpose and privilege that parenting has and is.
Now, that isn’t to say it is easy to parent.
read this if you’re looking for marriage advice
In today’s society, marriage often gets a bad reputation. Roughly 40% of marriages in Canada end in divorce, and, as the world becomes more and more saturated in “free sexuality” culture, the desire to be committed to one person for a lifetime is often perceived as unappealing.
On the flipside, many people actually idolize marriage, thinking that it will be the end to all of their problems. The “thing” of marriage itself seems to be a safe haven—a stepping stone that says to the world, “I’ve made it”.
While these perspectives on marriage do not align, they both miss the mark completely of what God, the Inventor, Designer, and Perfecter of marriage, created it for.