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4 Key principles for parents (pandemic or not)

Parenting is a high and proper calling. God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply—to have children—and reproduce image bearers of God for the next generation of Kingdom work. In culture, parenting can get a bad reputation, but as the church, we should boldly champion the amazing purpose and privilege that parenting has and is.

Now, that isn’t to say it is easy to parent. 


read this if you’re looking for marriage advice

In today’s society, marriage often gets a bad reputation. Roughly 40% of marriages in Canada end in divorce, and, as the world becomes more and more saturated in “free sexuality” culture, the desire to be committed to one person for a lifetime is often perceived as unappealing.

On the flipside, many people actually idolize marriage, thinking that it will be the end to all of their problems. The “thing” of marriage itself seems to be a safe haven—a stepping stone that says to the world, “I’ve made it”.

While these perspectives on marriage do not align, they both miss the mark completely of what God, the Inventor, Designer, and Perfecter of marriage, created it for.



Reading is such a great way to grow in faith and have conversations with some of the greatest minds. We can grow closer to God by reading and studying His Word, and also Truths He’s revealed to others through books.

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We have all been “single.” Every single one of us lives at least a part of this life on earth “single” - without a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse. The length of time, number of different seasons, and weightiness of those seasons differs from person to person, but this is a part of life for all of us, and it is so for a reason.

Seeing as it’s inevitable, we should seek to spend the time spent single wisely, glorifying God. Well, what does that look like?



Sitting across the table from a middle-aged women, working through some pastoral issues, she finally confessed what was really going on: “I just cannot forgive myself.” This is what was holding her back from moving forward into the next season of her life, with her family and with God. The burden of regrets caused what felt like an insurmountable weight. “Yes,” she said, “I know God forgives; I just can’t forgive myself.”

Maybe you have felt the same, stuck in that place of regret and shame, knowing all that you have done, but unable to step beyond it. Christian or not, we are often haunted by the past. I think this is a symptom of a much larger cultural shift, a truly ‘modern’ problem.

That problem? We have cast out the one who can actually sooth the tempest in the soul and silence the ghosts.



When you think about the word “addiction”, what comes to mind? Maybe it’s drugs or alcohol. Maybe it’s a family member who has suffered from an addiction. Maybe it’s you.

The reality of addiction is a lot different than it’s often thought to be. Addiction is defined as a person being “physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance and unable to stop taking it without incurring adverse effects.”

Are you addicted?

As Christians, we recognize addictions that have physical, visible adverse effects, but we also recognize addictions that may be easier to hide. 

Drug and alcohol addictions are very real and painful conditions. 

So is being addicted to pornography, which has been proven to damage and break up relationships and marriages. So is being addicted to food, or being addicted to lack of food. So is addiction to video games, shopping, working out, cleaning, social media… anything or anyone that isn’t Jesus.


How to Read the Bible Part 1: The Basics

First things first—congratulations! Reading God’s Word is one of the best decisions you will ever make. God’s Word is “a lamp to our feet and a light to our path” (Psalm 119:105).

Now that you’ve made the decision to dive in, maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed. Where do I start? What version should I read? Do I really have to read all those long lists of names in Numbers?

It can certainly feel overwhelming when you’re just starting out with the Bible. And you’ll find that there can be lots of correct answers to these questions.

Keep reading to learn some pointers on how to get started and get the most out of your time spent in the Word.

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How to Read the Bible Part 2: The Intention

There are many reasons we might choose to read the Bible. And, unlike many other books, the intention we have for reading can change the way in which we read.

Maybe you’ve opened your Bible because the Holy Spirit put a verse on your heart during a worship session, and you want to get the full context, read it over, and pray through it. This isn’t a scheduled Bible reading, but a time prompted by the Lord Himself. So you may read a few verses over and over, allowing the Spirit to inform them; you may read one chapter; or you may end up reading a whole book of the Bible.

If it’s your first time reading the Bible, it may seem obvious to just start from the beginning… but this isn’t necessarily the “best” way to read the Bible.


How to Read the Bible Part 3: The “What”

“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.” Joshua 1:8

Taking notes in the Bible is a great way to stay alert while reading, to remember passages well, and to remind yourself of things the Holy Spirit has spoken while you read.

There are so many different ways to take good notes while reading the Bible. Here are a few ideas…


How to Read the Bible Part 4: The Living Word

“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit” (1 Corinthians 2:14).

Paul explains the Holy Spirit’s role in our reception of Scripture perfectly in his letter to the Corinthians here. If you have received the Holy Spirit, you know the difference that occurred when you received Him. You know that He gave you a new mind, and that you’re receiving Truth and Life where you otherwise may have been confused, scared, or even offended by it.

The Spirit does not create new meaning of what the Truth of the Scripture already is, but He does enable us to accept the Bible as God’s Word and grasp its meaning. The Spirit will not change the Bible to suit our purposes or match our circumstances, but He will make it come alive and interpret it for us. He helps us grow up spiritually so we can hear His voice in the Scriptures more clearly.


How to Read the Bible Part 5: A Living Word


In a word? Yes! As the title of this last section of our Bible series reads, the best way to be in the Word is for life. 

It is a living Word. This means that you could read the same verse a billion times over, and the Holy Spirit still might show you something totally new on that billionth time.

We also believe that being in the Word is good for your soul—one of the best things for your soul, in fact. It is crucial to your walk with Christ to be in His Word constantly. Just because you’ve read the Bible all the way through more than a handful of times doesn’t mean you’re done with it. It is our guidebook; one of our main access-ways to Jesus Himself.