John 1:29;34
“The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’”(v.29) …“I have seen and testify that this is God’s Chosen One”(v.34).
Pause for a second.
Are you distracted? Are you feeling tired, frustrated, stressed, or just 'meh'? Ask yourself: “Have I been present lately? Have I been present to what the Spirit of God is doing in this season? Or have I been numbed by all the chaos and uncertainty?”
I need to ask myself the same questions during this time. When I read John chapter one, I am both inspired and convicted by how certain John the Baptist was of who Jesus is! We know that many of the Jewish leaders did not recognize Jesus as the Messiah, but John was so confident. John 1 says, “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’”(v.29)…“I have seen and testify that this is God’s Chosen One”(v.34).
Do we recognize Jesus? Are we aware of what the Lord is doing in our midst, and in the world right now? To be aware we must be spiritually awake! Yes, this can be a time of rest for us, but remember: when we rest in the world’s ways we become apathetic sleepwalkers, but when we rest in God we become more awake than ever!
Heavenly Father, awaken my heart to You today.
The enemy wants to fill us with “seemingly harmless" distractions that deter our awareness of God. In our distracted state we may end up sleepwalking even in the light of day. When we spiritually sleepwalk, we become fixated on our own ways (*cough*cough* like the Pharisees!*) and neglect to notice Jesus and His ways. Are we so fixated on our current circumstances, that we have forgotten that the Spirit is doing a new thing?
Heavenly Father, I turn away from insignificant distractions. I lay down my agenda of how I think You should move and work. I want to be more consumed with Your ways than my ways.
I believe John the Baptist did not simply know who Jesus was because he was chosen by God to testify of Jesus (Jn 1:7), but I believe John was aware because he had been preparing his mind, soul & spirit for the coming of the One. John had been fasting in the wilderness, constantly submitting his will and ways to the Lord. John had not become complacent or self-focused in the waiting, but he had been aligning himself to what God was doing and therefore lived with eyes wide and with great expectation.
Heavenly Father, teach me how to be prepared to see You with great expectation.
How amazing is it that …
…The King of the universe wants His Bride to know what He’s doing in the world right now.
Pray and ask Him to show you what He is doing in the world.
…He is not limited to the scary news, because He is the Good News.
Pray and ask Him what His Good News means for you, your city, nation and world.
…He longs to do a new thing in your heart.
Pray and ask Him what this new thing is.
…He wants to show us His power and glory.
Give Him glory by surrendering to Him as His loving, living sacrifice.
Heavenly Father, thank you that You are inviting me into Your plans and purposes here on earth. You are always doing a new thing—what an adventure it is with You! Give me great expectation like John the Baptist, so I may always recognize Your presence, Your voice, and Your ways. I love You.