We are a church rooted in our history.
In Acts 2, we read that the Church devoted itself to the teachings of the Apostles, and that same desire should never leave the Church. An often overlooked truth is that the Christian Church is 2000 years in the making, and it would be absolutely unwise of modern Christians to forget where we came from and not desire to hold fast to the faith once passed on. We don’t think Christianity should be doctrinally innovative, but always be seeking greater understanding.
For us as a church, this means that we want to be following in the theological pathways, practices, ethics, and desires that have shaped the church throughout its history. We want our faith to be tethered to what has come before us and holding to the ancient creeds that define the Christian confession. (For this reason we say a creed together before the Eucharist.)
We are refusing the lie that CS Lewis called chronological snobbery. We don’t think that because we are in 2023 we are the most spiritually advanced humans that have ever lived, but that we are standing on the shoulders of giants living in a rich and alive history.
Yes, we are asking a few different questions in our time of course, as A.I., social media, cars, etc. didn't exist in 400 AD, but the fundamental views on the world, humanity, sin and forgiveness, God, the Trinity, incarnation, sexuality, life, greed, and society (to name a few) have been given to us in the Church. Brilliant minds and patient souls have wrestled with these already—we aren’t the first. We are a church that strives to hold to the faith passed on and, as far as we are able, flesh out and apply in this modern moment the truth. We need to be humble enough to give a vote in the present church to the Saints of the church yesterday.
Now, this doesn't mean we don't use modern methods and technology in the church, but simply that we don’t want our church to be unaware of where we have come from. We want to, as far as we are able, believe what has been believed everywhere, always, by everyone who has professed faith in the Triune God and the death and resurrection of the Incarnate Word
C3KW is rooted in the Church, not in modernity. We are not liberal theologians, nor progressive theologically. We are historic creedal Christians.
Yes, the Church is always in need of reformation. We get things wrong at times in how to live out the gospel, but we are convinced that reformation in the Church is never innovation into new, but restoration to what's always been. We want to walk the well-worn ancient paths of the church forged in humility, love, truth, and grace, worshiping God: Father, Son, and Spirit with the Saints of old.
Other Distinctives: Formed in the Disciplines, Empowered by the Spirit, Compelled by Love, Charismatic in Expression